Thursday, July 30, 2009

Billy, stop complaining. Is you leave your gate opened!

If you are a public person. So, you are the focus of the public. Learn to bring yourself in order to avoid yourself from the public. Now make whoever friend as you want!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Robert FooL tell about war

Look, is "... going to war without knowing your enemy.". How would you know what's strategy to use without knowing your enemy? At least, it has been said you already win half in the war as long as you know your enemy, but never been said that you already win half in the war as long as you have "a strategy". About strategy - Sun Zi's The Art of War is never have a strategy that fit to every single war.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

she thought again, solely from her angle point of view... again.

  1. halo, does people actually expect/look forward her to do anything for them or not (while she "rlly dun expect u all will do that")?
  2. what else more does she thought only she can do it but no others?
  3. people just can'tlive cheerfully or full of suprise at all without her in their life?
  4. is she try to pormote herself that she is a very good organiser?

is she came across many enough in her life result in she is good? or she a lot of time to do thought?
